The Streaming Age
Streaming Age
Streaming Age
Langton’s Ant
Fight against Global Pandemic
Overview TrackO is affordable and easily deployable tracking device which is compact & easy to use. Its accuracy is about 10m from the given location.
THe MQTT Conventions Document
Event Proposal - Kreeda Kendra
Discord Modern communication app
2019 - Mail to You
Product Evangalist The role of a Product Evangalist is to convert. A member, who aspires only to spread the word about the product, its utitlity, its availab...
WendorEvents WendorEvents is the name used by us internally to refer to this project. First tested and deployed at Megaboxing event 2019 in Gurgaon, is now d...
91springboard Noida in Sector-1 has been our place of operations for the last 2 years.
Hello world, this is the first new post in the new homepage design. Leveraging Jekyll and Github pages we thought of migrating from a standard bootstrap temp...
Summer of 2019 This is going to be a doc for things to target and do in Summer of 2019
About Expanding on the amazing capabilities of ESP32, we built the Coke Voting Machine. It was a data collection experiment we ran in our coworking hub.
Looking for sponsorship for Hill-hack ‘19 This document is to serve as Request for Sponshorship for funds required for Hill-hack 2019.
WebGL Things might get a little bit math-y in the midst of this, but why else did you pay so much money to learn about Matrices and Calculus.
Web Components - For Micro-frontends and Re-usable components Let’s build em all!
A special thanks We, would like to thank two of our patrons namely, Akshay Pal Singh Duggal (urf Paaji) and Ashwani Bhati. You two are amazing! Helped out in...
HTML Canvas - Why so under utilized? To answer this question, we must really understand the current state of HTML Canvas.
Wikidata - Largest Crowd sources Knowledge Graph - Open Data Wikidata is one of the many sister project of Wikimedia Foundation
Installing Platform IO on VSC Part of guide to walkthrough installing Platform IO on VSC
ESP ESP8266 and ESP32 is a series of low-cost, low-power system-on-chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth.