In modern day esports, scoreboards are much more than P1 score vs P2 score. Sometimes easy to maintain, but sometimes, showing ball by coverage is just too vital.
- Player Profiles
- Team scorecard
- Tournament structure
- Game Mode
- Timer
And these need to be social.
- Chat/Nightbot access
- Twitch profiles
- Steam profiles
- Twitter/Instagram Live
Themes can be custom made.
Discussion, Support and Issues
For general support and discussion of this project, please join the Discord server: Discord Invite Link
To check known bugs and see planned changes and features for this project, please see the GitHub issues.
Found a bug we don’t already have an issue for? Please report it in a new GitHub issue with as much detail as you can!
Dedicated issue-thread for kaaroScoreboard is also a good place for this project related discussion.